Neot Kedumim:
A Bible historical reserve where plants, animals, and the landscape are kept to help people understand the scriptures better. We got to herd sheep/goats which was a little harder than I thought! We ended up linking hands and herding them along into the areas we had to- we then talked about the importance of a good sheppard to lead them along because once one sheep started to follow someone all the rest came along much easier. We are blessed to have a good Shepard who knows each of us and will not lead us astray!
Yep I cant get this to turn the other way... |
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life
for the sheep.
John 10:11
We then learned about the Hyssop plant which was used for healing lepers in the scriptures as well as dipped in the blood to paint on the door for the passover in the Isrealites time. The plant is small and doesn't take much water representing the humility we should have. When dried out the plant can be crushed up to make a spice called Tzar which is delicious to put on pitas. Heather and I crushed ours up.
After we went up into a campsite thing and made pitas and lentil soup over an open fire. It as such a simple meal but so delicious! I am a big fan of red lentils and the pitas dipped in...mmm....
FInally we went to a well and talked about how important the water is in this area of the world where it is so scarce. We made the parallel of how Christ is our living water and we gain our spiritual "life" through him. By seeking him we can be spiritually filled and not thirst. We also sa a threshing floor (like the one talked about in the story of Ruth) and a willowing fork that seperates the wheat from the chaff- as talked about in the parable in Matthew.
At the very end we say a Torah scribe who wrote for us and showed us a huge Torah scroll that was from Tunisia- it was neat to see how special it is to them!
This was one of my favorite things we did here because of the insights it provided for reading the Old and New Testament and being able to picture the things that are often used in the scriptures to describe everyday things for those who lived then.
Later that night we went to the Festival of Lights in the Old City! It was unique and fun to go with my FHE family:)
well finals are looming and papers stacking up but I am reminded of the scripture that I love that is in Psalms 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Mom loves all of the parallels you make to everday life with your scripture study. Thank you for sharing your visits to the sites. It makes us feel like we are there vicariously:)